라고 2015. 8. 8. 17:18

when everybody fall asleep night sitting alone I awake as can't waste about already passed today. Who I'm waiting for? still I have to something? even if that's not thinking about wanting to come back and missing place. When I lie on your knees like my childhood did brush back my hair If I fall asleep for your comfortable touch. just Hold on don't wake me up I have a pretty deep sleep your silent eyes look down at me again, can I have pure smile just like before? I think I'm tired I think It'll do I would like to take a shortcut to come back to you When I lie on your knees like my childhood did brush back my hair If I fall a sleep for your comfortable touch. just Hold on don't wake me up I have a pretty deep sleep sululululu sulululu I have a deep sleep sululululu sulululu a deep sleep


I don't know It's correct or not lol

if u wanna to see korean lyric, click the video and go to youtube, it have that.

today I want eng conversation meetup. and then met some ppl.

a guy said he liked IU. so I tho and search about her.

무릎(knee) is awsome. it's completely my type. :D

so I made lyric.

but I'm not sure. lol

now just.... I wanna have a deep sleep